How a Nation Capitalizes on Crisis

The main way a nation capitalizes on crisis is by taking your power away. It’s called “Nationalizing”. Here is what Bill Federer tells us in his latest interview with Mike Lindell.

According to Mr. Federer there are two main ways a government (communist) bureaucracy takes your power away:

  1. Fear: Develop a crisis that impinges so much on our lives that we welcome the government take-over of that specific area to “save us” from the oppressor. This could be a food crisis, energy crisis, threat of nuclear war, or all kinds of things. We have had our freedoms eroded with such crises already many times.
  2. Money: If you offer people financial incentives they will often give over their freedoms in exchange. An example is with Obama Care many people were willing to give up their freedoms and change their lives just to qualify for the “free” medical care.

Step-By-Step Process of Taking Your Powers and Freedoms Away

You get the people to become dependent on you for something (a “service”, money, etc.) and then incrementally raise their level of dependency on you until they have full control. It’s like what a drug dealer does.

In times of fear people will trade their freedoms for security. (Remember what happened after 911?)

Certain types of personalities will try to capitalize on this. They try to make it seem like they are acting to “help” you, but watch out. The real handling for this is to learn to think for yourself, raise your consciousness, and use your discernment.

[Note: Machiavellianism is a personality trait that denotes cunningness, the ability to be manipulative, and a drive to use whatever means necessary to gain power.]

Learn more by getting and reading Bill’s book: How the Deep State Capitalizes on Crises to Gain Control. By Bill Federer

Keep the faith friends!

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