Perfectly filtered water is very important in both preventing and curing all sorts of illness. I am a living, breathing, walking testimonial of how changing your water can change your life. Read my testimonial.

Our Awful Water Supply

Beautiful rivers and Land would be the best water filters if they weren’t so contaminated. Contamination is worse today than at any other time.

All kinds of things are ejected up in the sky; flushed down toilets; emitted from factories; and enter the ground water in other ways. So, the water supply is no longer natural and clean.

Naturally Perfect Water Sources

There are some places in the world, where the water is still naturally beautiful and pure. An example is high up in the Andes mountains, where many live to over 100 years old. They swear by their water.

Why Not Bottle This Perfect Water?

You might say, “Why not bottle up the Andes Mountain water, Hunza Water or other such pristine, perfect water?” Don’t! Bottled water IS NOT a viable solution. Even if it’s perfect water, or perfectly filtered water, plastic emits estrogen (a female hormone) and other unhealthy chemicals into the water. Read the study about this.

You Don’t Have to Live on the Top of a Mountain to Get Perfect, Pristine Water

Here are the steps to create perfectly filtered water yourself at home:

  1. Remove Deadly Chemicals: The threat of deadly chemicals, heavy metals, fluoride, pesticides, herbicides, etc. are higher than ever. It is important to know how to remove these from your drinking water. I personally use the information on “Water Filtration Basics” whenever I am questioning the quality of any water supply or deciding what kind of filters to use.
  2. Remove Deadly Pathogens: The threat of deadly pathogens are at an all-time high these days.
  3. Get Perfectly Structured Water: Using a water ionizer you can filter and “restructure” the water. Restructure means to bring the water clusters back to their natural, pristine beauty and healthiness. Ordinary water has had all the beauty taken out. It’s far from it’s natural, hexagonal structure. Regular water filters will not fix this issue by themselves.

Helping Freedom Win

There are many ways we all can help our world right now. Visit my home page: for more information.