Part of waking up to what’s really going on in the world is realizing that our News is coming to us by the very people suppressing our world right now. What are the motives? Money, power, and population reduction are just a few of the answers to that question.

This video would be a comedy if it weren’t actually true. Look at all of the News that is sponsored by Pfizer, for example. Take a minute to watch this. It will blow your mind.

It’s time to become UN-HYPNOTIZED …Snap! (You may now wake up.)

Real News You Can Trust

For real news you can trust, always look at the motives of the company or person putting out the news. Look at who sponsors them. What is their history? Have they been reliable in the past? Does their “news” have actual value, beyond a shock-value? If you don’t know the motives, you can at least use your gut and take all “news” with a grain of salt unless you know for a fact, yourself, that it is true.

Here’s an example of the alternate view to mainstream media’s narrative, and though it’s long it is very full of actual facts that we all should know.

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