Saint Germain is a part of world and US history that pretty much no one knows about, but they should. I didn’t know anything about this. Click link for video documentary if it doesn’t show up on this page: Saint Germain & NESARA – Liberation of Humanity

The first fifty minutes of the documentary is about Saint Germain. It’s an amazing story and puts many pieces of the puzzle of good/evil together.  For instance, I never quite got how Freemasons, like George Washington and Ben Franklin, were (or seemed to be) good, when the whole Freemason secret society has done and is still doing so much bad in the world. This documentary shows what happened.

The remaining two+ hours of documentary goes into the birth and growth of the US, with emphasis on financial and political corruption. It shows many things about each period in our history as a country that I didn’t know about.

Even through I lived through much of our recent history, the last section of this video puts a whole new light on what was going on behind the scenes. Of course our corrupt media, politicians and bankers were involved in all of it.

This is not a doom and gloom video. It’s title includes “NESARA”, and so is very uplifting. It solves previous confusions and gives me a new understanding on why and how NESARA ever came about in the first place. I also have a much better idea of what to expect in the very near future.

I want to thank Saint Germain from the bottom of my heart. He is a true inspiration.

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