There is nothing positive or productive about going down rabbit holes only to become a depressed reader at the end of the day. We all need to be at our best, right now more than ever.

You Have a Choice

Think about your purpose for reading (or whatever you’re doing) and balance it with your purpose for life right now. If you don’t have a purpose, then that is why you are getting stuck and confused in this super big rabbit hole. Finish reading this post and then make “getting a purpose” your first thing to do next.

MSM = Final Kingpin

Keep in mind that we are in a war. There are many kingpins, because with a war as large as a universe, it isn’t a single, simple matter. [Note: A kingpin is a person or thing that is essential to the success of an organization or operation.]

Who is the biggest kingpin? We might think it’s “money”, i.e., if that got solved the rest would all follow. While “following the money” is a very good policy (when looking for bad guys), it isn’t the most pivotal kingpin. The media has always been the bolt (or pivot) that holds all sides of any war together.

Until media (in general) quits working for the enemy; and starts reporting the facts, we will all remain at war (at least in the sense of an information war). The media being truthful is key. When the MSM goes down, all the other kingpins and dominoes will fall.

In the meantime, no matter what kind of media you listen to, from MSM to blogs, remember that the truth brings light to the world and lies/deceptions bring darkness. Look for the light to expose the darkness, and don’t give it any other significance than that. You’re not going to find out the whole truth about any of it until the war is over.

How to Dig Oneself Out of Darkness

We can all look for opportunities to be soldiers in this war of light and dark. We all are important. You are important. Remember that, or “un-forget” it. You can dig yourself out of any darkness by working for the light. Right now. Be strong. Be a soldier of light. There is no “how-to” of doing that”. Just do it. Become productive of good things and stay focused on your job (which I hope is to help humanity right now).

Helping Freedom Win

Visit the home page of my site,, for more information about how to help our world right now.

Also read, What is Reality?, a related post.