It’s wonderful that there are so many people helping win the freedom of our planet right now, but for me, personally, I wasn’t sure until a few months ago how to do my part for humanity.

Then God gave me some very unexpected answers.

Labor of Love #1

In September my son had a stroke (at 37 years old). Helping him recover was a labor of love. In situations like this the usual focus is medical. But from the spiritual end, I jumped in and filled in what needed without disrupting the rest.

He had lost his ability to remember words (mostly names for things). He had a few other issues, but this was the worst.

So, first of all, I made it my business to be there for him. Talk to him and even joke around. I did all kinds of things no one else was doing, from making sure he got what he needed in the hospital to helping him learn how to read (starting at the pre-K level). I didn’t duplicate what others were doing, but just looked and figured out what was missing. In reading, for instance, no one was doing anything whatsoever with books. I therefore read actual books (children’s books), pointed to words, manipulated the alphabet while thinking of words to begin with that letter, etc.

We moved into him reading some on his own, and then…just, bing-bang-boom, we did whatever it took to heal him and rehab him. Three months later he was back home, reading, doing household chores, driving, and even reading at about the 5th grade level (slowly, but nonetheless doing it). Yay! He didn’t need me any more. He still had a long way to go, but could now do it without my help.

No sooner did we get to this point than God had another job for me.

Labor of Love #2

Early in October my sister was diagnosed with spinal meningitis & encephalitis, which was caused by some sort of fungus.

So, in December, when I was done with the one job God gave me, I took on this new job (helping my sister recover and rehabilitate).

Becoming a Health-Care Advocate

I became her health-care-advocate. I see this as an extremely important job, which no one else was doing, nor would anyone realistically do for patients. Usually each person who sees the patient only sees them for a few minutes. This isn’t enough time to get a whole, holistic, insight into the person’s needs. For instance, no one else saw that she suddenly had a drop in both ability and awareness. To me she almost looked lobotomized, but to the hospital staff she looked fine. I called for the doctor to come and help evaluate the change, and a few tests later we all found out that the very dangerous fungal infection had returned. Long story short, I saved her life.

Establishing Home Rehab

Now she’s a little better, her infection has reduced enough to be able to leave the hospital, and instead of returning to the rehab center we decided to do the rehab at home.
It’s amazing how many services are available to home-care patients: therapists (more than you’d get anywhere else actually), visiting nurses, etc.

Due to four months of inactivity, and starvation (induced by her medical condition) her body and muscles are shot. There is a lot to do to get her back to living her life again or even just doing the bare-basics of managing her daily bodily needs.

Creative Trouble-Shooting

Leave it to me to come up with some very unusual things to do to help her, such as:

  • After breakfast is over and a half-hour of digestion-time, I have her on her flat bed on a slick camping blanket. The slickness allows her to move more easily without friction. Why? It is how you “teach” babies to use the right muscles to crawl, roll, move, and eventually walk. It’s called tummy-time. When she’s on her back she hardly moves. How is that going to help her? Anyway, it’s ingenious, and it’s going to help her get back to crawling, rolling, standing and walking in rapid time.
  • Another thing no one was paying attention to was the amount of water she consumed daily (which was about 5-8 ounces). I see it as odd that no one thought this an important thing to monitor, but I’ve made it my business to make sure she gets the right amount of water daily. A person should consume 1/2 to 1 ounce of water per pound of body-weight. So, a 105 pound woman should consume no less than 53 ounces of water per day. Since I can only get her to drink a sip of water here and there, I use her G-tube* and give her about 16 oz. of water about 1/2 hour before each meal. (I wait the half-hour to make sure the water clears out of the stomach before the food comes in.) I also use a water ionizer to get the pH just right for this water and I use observation to make sure the body continues to be healthy and balanced as we go.

[*Note: Because of her “starvation” diagnosis, she is on a G-tube, which allows you to directly “feed” water or liquidized food to the stomach. (She does eat and drink, but it’s far too little to get her out of the starvation and extreme dehydration loop she’s on right now.)]

What the World Needs Now…

The Idea of “Labor of Love” came to me from God. It’s time for all of us to find ways to do labors of love as much as we can and as best as we can. This kind of attitude will not only help the world, but it will also help you, as you move through the ascension process.

The assignment I’m on (with my sister) is going to take a while, clearly. I don’t know if I’d go so far as to “look forward” to my next assignment. But it sure does keep life interesting to have the kind of attitude where you’re looking for these kinds of assignments.

Helping Freedom Win

Visit my main home page for more info about how to help freedom win.