We need unity and strength, not divisiveness and confusion. Anyone who is trying to divide us in our attempts to defeat the cabal is probably a sham (in the name of “help”). Kim Goguen is likely to be one of those people.

  • She constantly criticizes Trump and tries to divide the patriots. I find it very suspect to be this divisive.
  • In her interview with Chris Rice she said something of the order of she knows Trump’s children, as if this proves the claims she’s made about Trump.
  • She says she’s doing interviews, like this one, to expose the lies, but then she doesn’t expose any lies.
  • Her own personal story is questionable. See my earlier post about Kim.

We Need Unity, Not Divisiveness

Any good minion of Satan can shout “he’s lying”. Or they can make huge claims of how they’re helping the people to unite”, when they’re really trying to divide.

But in the end, you will not be able to lead anything but sheep to the slaughter house if you concentrate on convincing people that they can do it all themselves in a world such as exists today. It’s like telling the Israelites that Moses is no good, just stay where you are and don’t go that way.

Why am I So Hard on Kim?

Let’s say Kim really did rule the world financially and otherwise, this would never be allowed and accepted by us, “We the People”. We are independent and free by the authority of God, and no other.

  • Kim claims to get her orders from “source”, meaning god (lower-case “g”), and was given the job when (and because) she turned 40 in 2012.
  • She has machines to help her “know” everything that’s going on everywhere on the planet. What does that sound like?
  • Kim says she has been working toward uniting patriots, yet her constant attempts to cut down Trump (the only person who has come along with the power and ability to really unite the patriots, fix the media, and eject the cabal) proves otherwise.
  • Her idea of us (We the People) taking our power back is for us to just do it. Come up with ideas and present them to her. Yeah, that’s not going to work. We need a good and strong leader or two or three… She should get with the program. And, she absolutely should not be going around trying to knock out the kingpin (unless she wants the movement to fail).
  • Kim acts like what Trump has done for our country and the world is nothing, i.e., his achievements are menial and he has no future.
  • Kim claims to be responsible, singly, for ridding the world of criminality, i.e., it’s her doing this. I will never trust a person who doesn’t give credit where credit is due. There’s no way she is doing any major act single-handedly.
  • Kim and Chris both discuss Trump’s rallies and popularity as if it’s some kind of unexplainable cultish craze. What they fail to notice is that Trump is in fact very, very helpful to us. We need help to know who to trust and weed out RINOs.
  • Kim tries to negate this type of thing, along with anything else, whatsoever, that Trump has done or is doing. She lumps him into the category of cabal, even implies he’s Satanic, and as usual has no proof about this assessment.

Kimberly Goguen

Kimberly is a whole other type of white-hat/or not. Is she one of the “tyrants from within” that Trump was recently talking about in the NC rally?

  • She says she’s in charge of the planet and all the money, yet where’s the evidence and is her “control”, and is it dark or light???? She’s obviously not voted in by anyone, so it would violate our free-will to have her “placed” in such a position. Maybe in the old “world order” these things happened all the time, but frankly, “We’re not going to take it any more”.
  • She has a super high opinion of her ability to solve all the world’s problems. (Good for her if she can.) But, it’s odd that as a leader she has only emerged on the internet and not in the flesh.
  • It’s odd too that she was picked for her role because of her DNA. Last I checked, people should be judged by their merits, not their DNA.
  • Her story of being singled out as a child (by a dark individual) is suspicious of someone who has been subjected to MKUltra.
  • She has the looks of a clone (with perfect skin, occasional mental fog, and something odd about her presence).
  • Her main higher-up contacts seem to be all ETs. I’m not doubting their goodness, but even if they did “select” her; and even if they do think she is “the one“, because of her DNA; isn’t it against the Prime Directive to bypass our nation’s free-will of electing our own leaders?
  • So, there are lots of red-flags about Kim. In addition to the above, she has been critical of Trump’s failure to accept her help. (I’m sure Trump had a reason for not accepting her help.)
  • Another point is the fact that Kim is not an accessible person, she hides, physically, for fear of being taken out.
  • Statistically, everything Kim has claimed to have done could be possible, but from what perspective (light or dark)?

Recent Interview With Ben Fulford

Kim Goguen has lately been attacking Q and Trump and has a history of making all kinds of claims about her power as being the ultimate leader of our planet Earth: i.e., Interplanetary Council Representative for Earth, Ground Control (Military Leader) for troops on the ground, Ethical Leader for a new societal order, Sole Controller of the only “good” AI system on Earth  (controlling nearly every part of infrastructure: internet, banking/money, even funding for governments) – fully under her control.

Ben Fulford interviewed her at the request of his readers, who were curious and concerned about her.

  • The interview was an hour long, with very little intel.
  • She calls the AI system she uses the creator system, and says, “Only the creator can create.” (Seriously??) This system, according to her, is over everything (money, internet, property, governments, etc.) now and in the future.
  • Kim says Trump’s dead, i.e., he was taken out, and it’s kept secret because the Trump Rallies were making too much money. (What in the world??)
  • Regarding how we bring humanity out of the crisis we’re in, she had no ideas for fixing what already exists. Some examples from her plan are: 1) Get assemblies of people and states around the world involved in fixing their problems. 2) They can submit their projects to her for approval and funding. 3) She also gave an example of fixing the fake news by getting rid of what is and having people everywhere contributing to the news. In other words, it sounds like “throwing out the baby with the bath water” to me.
  • I was disappointed in how little Fulford asked her to explain or prove. He did some, but not nearly enough. She makes very bold statements with virtually zero proof. She also has no personal statistics or history that the average person can see.

Kim’s Latest Video With Kerry Cassidy

  • See Kim’s latest video with Kerry Cassidy. (It was a 2-hour video, with very little intel-value.) This is an easier to follow video than all of Kim’s other interviews, but nevertheless it’s equally disturbing.
  • Kim highly criticizes the white-hats for feeding their pundits with false hope for way too long.
  • She seems to be equally upset with the white-hats and Trump, because they ignore her.
  • She has nothing good to say about the white-hats or Q-Team. In fact she calls them “the world order”. She also suggests that many serving this team are doing so because they have been fooled into believing it’s the right thing.

I don’t doubt that Kim has some level of access that is very high, however I feel she is disturbingly dark. She is unable to see beyond her broken pride of the Q-Team’s ignoring her. Whatever she is or whoever she is doesn’t seem good to me.

If she is “good” she should tone it down on her war against Q & Trump and try to be patient, like the rest of us.

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Helping Freedom Win

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  1. Nic

    Kim continually bashes Trump and barely says a word about Biden. Very suspect. She says she appointed herself as top clearance of the world. Well…that’s convenient. I could do the same. Who pays/funds Kim? We are loyal to those that pay us. Who is Kim loyal to? I have listened to her for about 2 years. She is knowledgeable about the families that run the world, but that’s about it. It is suspect that SHE determines what projects get funded? Has anything been funded? I think we’re all being played. Follow the $$. Who funds her?

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