Knowledge is Power

Some people simply won’t survive Agenda 2030, the Plandemic or the latest Influences of evil. Why? Because they insist upon being led by authorities. While perhaps in the past following authorities may have worked, it surely will kill you today. This documentary is so well done, even if you’ve seen it before I urge you to watch it again. It will arm you with knowledge, and that means power.

Agenda 2030 is the plan of extinction for the majority of us. We can turn that all around simply by taking control of our world and not conforming to anything related to “the Green New Deal”, “Sustainable Development”, “Build Back Better”, vaccine mandates, masking, or other similar government and media pushed programs.

Also, watch out for money. Money does not really equal power, knowledge equals power.

Keep in mind:

  • The elite powers of 2022 are pushing Agenda 2030, which is an admitted depopulation agenda.
  • Vaccine passports are planned to be injected microchips, which will control you as they track you.
  • The vaccine can never be anything more than experimental, until animal trials have been done, and humans are the “animals” in the trial.
  • All known natural cures, such as hydroxychloroquine and other treatments, have been covered up by the medical profession, government and media.
  • The survival rate of the virus is over 99% and the death & severe injury rate of the vaccine is over 10%.
  • The next big push will be to vaccinate the children. We already know this will mean far more deaths than any of us can imagine.
  • Also, the idea of having a “universal basic income” and free medical care sounds appealing and harmless. But, it’s a potential death trap It means that you would always be beholden to the ones giving you the money. You’d always have to follow their rules too, and there goes your priceless freedom. Don’t do it.
I realize I’m speaking to the choir, but somehow the massive, massive numbers of people who are still blind to all of this will need to be given a chance to come around.

My Real Concern is Not for Me

I am really concerned about my children, grandchildren, and many other misinformed family & friends. They just don’t believe the videos I’ve sent them, to the point I quit sending any. My voice is a single dissonant note among the concerto of their “more reliable sources” of information.

These are very good, smart, and worthy people. One would think they’d eventually catch on, but I see no chance, without help. This is why I believe the only humane thing to do is the removal of the existing media and all other forms of digital entertainment and in its place put the 10-days of documentaries. I would even vote to do that longer, whatever is long enough to give these people a chance to see what’s really been going on.

I hear this is the plan, and I hope this is the plan, because otherwise we’re all headed into some severely schizoid times.

Helping Freedom Win

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