Recent Survey

I went into the city (low-income neighborhoods at the bus stops and metro terminals) to do a survey. The survey had only one question: “Are you satisfied with the leadership in this country?”


  • 99.9%  A resounding “NO!”
  • .01%  Yes (Only one person said yes, but then he clarified it to say he’s satisfied that “God is leading us.”)

I asked each person if they wanted to say more about (the topic), and, man, I got paragraphs and paragraphs of answers from everyone.

  • Many people were angry about: inflation; illegal aliens and other countries getting the money that should go to vets, homeless, and others in need. They had a LOT to say.
  • Several specifically stated that they don’t intend to vote anymore. They don’t know who to vote for and they’ve been let down by every single leader.
  • Some said they’re going to vote for Trump if he runs, because he at least did something to help.
  • These People Have Had It! This was just a sampling, but these results tell me that people in low-income communities are completely fed up.

It was very interesting, because in every single case the person being interviewed seemed grateful to have a chance to say what was on their mind. I think it was therapeutic for them, and it made me feel good to be helping them this way.

Things You Can Do With Surveys

From this experience I learned that surveys are a means of communication, getting people to talk. We should do more of it. It almost doesn’t matter what they talk about. It’s the talking that matters. They get to 1) tell another what’s really on their mind, 2) vent about what’s bothering them, 3) have real and authentic, face-to-face communication with another, and 4) they get a sense that they’re contributing to something important by doing this. And, they are contributing.

In the future I plan to do more surveys in different neighborhoods. I’ll see where this takes me, but I have a feeling it’s an important function that almost no one is doing.

Helping Freedom Win

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