There is a huge, 10-mile long freedom convoy right now parading through Canada in -27 degree weather! There is no lack of involvement by the citizens of Canada. The police are also very helpful.

The participants are primarily truck drivers, but also of course there are the many hundreds upon hundreds of people cheering them on (with lots of signs) as they go. There are even volunteers who are busy preparing food for the truckers along the way!

It really brings tears to my eyes to see such comradery and teamwork in a peaceful fight for freedom.

Fighting for Freedom!

We are all fighting for freedom right now, even if only in our minds while at home or work. It’s so obvious that our freedoms have been eroded faster in the past couple of years than at any other time. Why in the heck would any government try to force dangerous experimental jabs on people is beyond me! Then there’s the constant lying! Ugh. Don’t get me started.

People are starting to fight this. Thank God.

USA Truckers Unite!

I am hoping for more very long convoys to start popping up all over the USA. It’s time for us to ALL join in the FUN! If only to show our numbers. I hope for a trucker/car parade all over every major city of the USA.

I remember in the early 70’s one of my favorite expressions was, “Keep on Truckin'”. To me that meant, keep on being free and staying free…and screw the elites of the world. I think it’s very appropriate for today.

So, everyone, KEEP ON TRUCKING!

Helping Freedom Win

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