New Unconventional Training

Under President Kennedy’s guidance, “special operations” was born, as a branch of the US military. They may have been small and weak back then, but under Trump’s leadership they have grown to their full potential and are operating behind the scenes right now. The training includes PSYOPS, computer and internet and surveillance techniques. The Fourth PSYOP Group is actively working for us, to save us from certain death and restore our freedoms to us. Watch the below video to learn more.

Irregular Warfare & Tracking Corruption

Use of US funds for corrupt reasons, election fraud, and other corrupt activities have been tracked by these Special Forces. Biden, Obama, Bush, and Clinton corruption have been fully uncovered, and someday soon there will be a revelation.

Other Topics of the Video

  • Satanism is at the Bottom of the Worst Corruption
  • A look through the corrupt life of Joe Biden
  • The role of Ezra Cohen Watnick
  • What’s happening right now (behind the scenes)

Watch the Video:  Devolved – Episode 5 – Revelations

This film brings great clarity to exactly what’s happening today. The film will make you calmer than ever about knowing the truth, because not only does it show the truth, it shows evidence for each point. Enjoy.

Helping Freedom Win

Go to my home page for information about how to help people (yourself and others) right now.