2 Reasons the Energy Levels of Your Drinking Water Matter

  1. When you drink low-energy water, your body drags. It doesn’t get energized like it should. The kind of water we drink makes a huge difference in all of our life functions. After all, the body is mainly made of water.
  2. Low-energy water affects the blood, too. It makes it sticky and sluggish. This condition is called rouleau. Under a microscope, these look like clumped-up blood cells resembling coin rolls. If rouleau persists, it could cause blood-clotting issues. 

Low-Energy “Dead” Water

Low-energy water, often referred to as ‘dead’ water, is water that is deficient in extra electrons, resulting in a positive charge. This positive charge renders the water ‘low-energy, ‘as it lacks the potential to provide energy to the body. Consuming ‘dead’ water (which includes soda and most other drinks) can lead to a significant energy drain in the body. 

For decades, water quality experts have expected to see low-energy water because almost all water nowadays is this way. 

Negatively-Charged “Alive” Water

High-energy, negatively charged water can act as a ‘Fountain of Youth,’ revitalizing cells and fostering overall health. This transformative power of water can give your health journey a new lease of life. 

A negative charge gives our bodies the extra electrons they need for energy, vitality, and fighting free radicals. One can scientifically test this and feel it energetically.

The Study of Water’s Energy Levels

Dr. Beverly Rubik, a respected biophysicist, has devoted her career to studying water’s energy levels. Her rigorous research using advanced lab equipment has unveiled a wealth of intriguing insights, providing a solid scientific foundation for understanding water’s energy.

Rubik’s field is the science of life functions, not medicine.

Water is essential to life and makes up 99% of the molecules of life. And energy is 100% integral to life. So, logic dictates that neither should be ignored. Yet the vast majority of medical scientists focus on developing and using more and more petroleum-based medicines. [Drugs are made from petroleum derivatives. It also should be noted that medicine relies on sickness for income.]

Rubik’s “answers” lead to long life and health. She avoids petroleum-based products like plastics and drugs. Her focus is on bringing energized water into both research and public awareness.

The cells, tissues, and blood in and around the body respond well to alkaline ionized water. It makes everything in the body come alive and vibrant.

Here is her video on the energy levels of water as it relates to the health of the body.

Even the Best Filtered Water Has Low Energy. Why?

Most water, including bottled water, filtered tap water, reverse osmosis, and distillation, has low energy levels, no matter how well it’s filtered. 

Dr. Rubik explains this stubbornness of water to revitalize is because the water has “memory.” 

After the water leaves the mountain springs, it picks up pollution and water-treatment chemicals and loses energy. 

How to Revitalize Water

After filtering out all the toxins and chemicals, you’d think the water would perk up energetically. But, no. 

Rubric asserts that the water retains the memory of pollution, just like we might remember a bad experience.

Then, to re-energize the water, one must clear out the bad memories. She calls this restructuring. 

Rubik found that ionizing water is the best way to break through the stubbornness of ‘dead water’ at your tap and restructure it into healing water. Ionizing water involves using an ionizer machine to separate the water into alkaline and acidic components. The alkaline water we’re interested in is used for drinking and is a ‘source of purity and wellness.’ The ionizer machine (water ionizer) works by using an electrical charge to separate the water into its components, with the alkaline water being the desired result. Alkaline Water: A Source of Purity and Wellness

Rubic has been drinking and testing ionized water for years. 

Her testing instruments show that plenty of energy returns once water is filtered and ionized.

To Keep a High Energy Water Must Flow

Stay away from bottled water.

Mountain spring water is only good at the source (high up in the mountain areas where people get their water directly from the springs). That’s where you find it in its perfect, fluid, and energized state. God made water to be liquid, not stagnant. Once you bottle it, you’ve ruined it.

It’s not just stagnation and low energy that ruins bottled water; it’s also long-term exposure to plastics. 

Dr. Rubik tests this kind of thing all the time and has tested and shown many plastic/petroleum-related issues that harm the body.

Helping Freedom Win

Water ionizers changed my viewpoint on freedom 25 years ago, when I realized that I (and my family) could be free of illness. This was a revelation I never expected. Finding the right water is so important that I could go up and shout off the rooftops all day long! See my testimonial.

Visit my home page of Helping Freedom Win for more ways to help the people you love.