David Icke

David Icke is a researcher into the spiritual realms. He’s seen evidence and real world applicable information about the 3D world and other more spiritual realms.

I listed my thoughts (no quotes, just my ideas) about the book, with special focus on what I liked. I think everyone should at least think about these particular ideas that are listed in the section below called, “The Dream: Food for Thought”. I’m being intentionally general and vague, because I see no need to get into the level of specifics that are already in the book.

I’m not going to dwell on what I didn’t like, because it would take away from him and his creation. But I did mention one thing.

I invest a fair amount of time trying to make sense of the world, especially since the fake election. Then, once I have realizations, my way of making a difference is to share my ideas on this blog. I think we all should find ways to share with and help each other as part of the direction our world needs to collectively go.

The Dream brings enough food for thought to the “table” that I think it’s worth the $10 (or so) to get it from Amazon and read it in full or in part.

The Dream by David Icke: Food for Thought

  • Our 3D world is not “real” as we see it. It’s holographic and there are patterns of energy waves making up the entire 3D world (including the stars – everything). With that in mind, there is no need to get all worked up over things that are not actually real, especially if you can’t see them.
  • And at times that you can see badness, right in your face, if you get worked up over it the bad guys would love that. They feed off of your negative vibes.
  • The things that are real in the entire universe are: the consciousness, the relationships, the connections and the creations. Otherwise it’s like being part of a huge interactive multi-sensory (not just video) game. In the game you might feel like you’re losing or other negativity. The bad guys have this game rigged for this to happen a lot. Just decide not to feed them what they want any more and their power will shrink.
  • The 3D realm (what we experience with our 5 senses) is where most of life’s circumstances are being manipulated for you and you are being heavily manipulated too. The manipulators are not the good guys either.
  • The manipulators have the mal-intent of wanting you to have negative emotions, to feel anxiety, to feel angry or lost, and to even be lustful or other high-intensity but low moral emotions for their own nefarious reasons.
  • We can all see many of these manipulators, because they’re very outspoken right now. But at the highest levels (of command) we can’t see them. They exist in a different realm or frequency than we do. It’s like dialing to a specific channel on the TV or radio. If you don’t have the frequency you won’t see or hear it. They know our frequency and can dial in when they want, but don’t usually communicate with you (unless they’re trying to tempt you or you’re one of their minions). They use a very advanced ESP, so it tricks you into thinking you are having that thought.
  • Another thing about the bad guys at the highest levels is they have and use the greatest AI ever imaginable. They know so much about YOU (yes YOU) that they could fool you into thinking they must be God or an angel with all that knowledge. Watch out for this. Many people who have had near-death experiences have thought they were in Heaven, but really were in this other frequency-realm in contact with these demons. They know the things you would expect to see and hear too. But, there will be something off about the situation, that clues you into their tricks and fakery. Just watch out for it.
  • I experienced one when I was praying deeply one day. The thing that clued me in that this connection wasn’t with God or an angel was his desire for sex. Yes. Sounds weird to have sex spiritually, but I felt the sensations and stimulations of it and right then realized this wasn’t God or an angel. What need would there be for God or an angel to stimulate these emotions in someone. This experience actually made me more determined than ever to find and hold onto the one true God in my heart. And this was the day I asked the Holy Spirit to help me. I was right then and there “born again”. And, it was/is wonderful.
  • My take on this is that God is here for us. Right inside each of us (at least the good ones of us), and he’s helping us with discernment and intuition if you just look for it. Knowing that can give you the comfort to overcome negative emotions,
  • We of course all need to continue living, breathing, working, etc., but we all need to find ways to bring our fellow man to realize the danger of negativity. And, we all need a plan for keeping ourselves productive and up in the higher bands of emotion and living (love, helping, etc.). To do otherwise is like giving bombs to the enemy camp.
  • Prayer can be done in a way that feeds the bad guys. For instance if we aim our thoughts any direction or do a lot of chanting (rote-praying) or we’re just sad and chatter-boxing about it this could put us lower-down in a mesmerized or low-level state (great food for the bad guys). God knows what you want. Be sure of that. There isn’t a need for endless supplication. This is a trick of the Devil.
  • Reincarnation is another trick of the Devil to keep us trapped. Watch out for that when you pass through the veil. These bad demons can look very “good”. Just watch out.
  • Tying ourselves down into fake identities is another trap. We just are. Forget the “Doctor” this, the big-house that and other identities. This just makes you lose your connection with God.
  • There’s a hive-mind or group think (plus tremendous AI)  that the bad guys are connected with. And, this gives us the impression that they’re very powerful, much more powerful than we are. However this is not the case. You have the great advantage over them, but need to realize it to use it. That is your connection with God. They don’t have that connection, which is why they need us for their energy and existence.
  • One of the claims that David Icke made was that Trump was corrupt like all the other politicians (something like that). He didn’t give any other details. I imagine that he made a mistake in judgement. People err sometimes, just like the rest of us. He’s a UK citizen, so may not be aware how different Trump is than any other president or politician who’s come along.

Helping Freedom Win

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